Health and happiness are two of the most important things people today should be looking to improve. There needs to be a global shift to better health to enable a future worth fighting for. Increase in obesity, lazy lifestyles, and reliance on drugs and medication has allowed us to forget natural methods.
The American Medical Association has officially recognized obesity as a disease, and one that requires medical treatment and prevention. It is a global issue affecting children and adults, usually caused by poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. In America, nearly 36% of adults are obese and 17% of children.
Obesity Puts People
Obesity puts people at higher risks of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. There is a widespread assumption that obesity is the result of laziness and overeating, yet this is not always the case. Causes of obesity vary dramatically and cannot always be easily reversed simply with a change of lifestyle.
Some people need a little help and support to lose the weight and keep it off. Some are just ignorant about the healthy food options available to them, or have no idea where to start. With a little help, knowledge, and encouragement of an experienced health coach, weight loss challenges could be greatly reduced.
Recent studies show that health and wellness coaching can help people lose weight. Of course there are many weight loss programs you can join which have proved to be successful for some, but not all. Most weight loss programs are purely self-driven, but they lay down the foundation for you to get started.
Motivate You to Exercise
If you find that a weight loss program isn’t working for you, or just have no idea where to start when it comes to losing weight, consider talking to a health and wellness coach. They can motivate you to exercise, help you improve your eating habits, your lifestyle, and your overall happiness.
What do health coaches do exactly? Not only do they provide additional support to your weight loss program and nutritional expertise, they give motivation in between meetings so you keep up with your regime. This is crucial in not only losing the weight, but keeping it off as they monitor your behavioural changes.
If you are interested in helping others improve their lifestyle, consider a career in health coaching. There are many nutrition certificate programs available online to educate you and help you reach that goal. Taking this type of course not only helps you improve your own life, but empowers you to help others.
If there is not a health coach in your area to help you, you can still benefit from long distance coaching, via telephone. Hearing words of advice and encouragement are always helpful, whether in person, on the phone, or read on an email.
If the emphasis could switch to more health coaching and preventative care rather than drugs and medication, both lives and money would be saved. Health and wellness coaching is a way forward in a world where excess and convenience are at our fingertips. We just need to learn to take another path.
Affordable Student Health Insurance
Student health insurance can be affordable, and even cheap, if you choose a plan that offers the exact coverage your student needs, and if you understand the coverage your student has. By choosing the coverage your student needs, you won’t have to worry about paying for any medical costs that you know your student will acquire. And, by making sure you thoroughly understand your student’s coverage, you won’t be hit with any surprise costs along the way.
Finding Affordable Student
The first step to finding affordable student health insurance is to ask about any health coverage offered to your student by his or her school. Many colleges and universities provide medical services via on-campus clinics to students. These medical services may be available free or at a very low cost ? and what’s more affordable than that?
Next, ask about pre-existing conditions. For example, your student may be diabetic; medical care for pre-existing conditions such as diabetes may not be offered through the school. If this is the case, consider purchasing a smaller, additional health insurance policy to cover treatment for diabetes while using the school-provided services for situations such as common colds. This will help keep student health insurance affordable.
Affordable Student Health
Finally, find out everything you possibly can about the student health insurance plan and/or the medical services offered by the school. How much is covered if your student visits the emergency room? Is your student allowed to visit any health care professional, or is there a network of doctors from which he or she must choose? You may think you’ve purchased an affordable student health insurance plan, but if emergency room visits aren’t covered ? or very little of the cost is covered ? you’ll be faced with a bill that won’t make the student health insurance plan seem so affordable after all. Know which services are available, which services aren’t, as well as how to obtain each and you’ll find affordable student health insurance.